Contact Info
Pima County One-Stop Career Center
Dominica Dominguez
2797 E Ajo Way
Tucson, AZ 85713
Phone: 520-724-6678
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About Us
• Conducts outreach, one-on-one meetings, interviews, focus groups and surveys of businesses to determine current and future hiring and/or training needs.
• Assesses skill needs for needed occupations and determines availability of training suitable to address those needs. Works with employers to develop new training and/or apprenticeship programs in high-demand occupations. Develops On-the-Job Training contracts and employee-training programs with employers.
• Responds to staffing needs in the local economy with a range of recruitment services. IDs job leads and employment opportunities and matches them with qualified candidates.
• Provides individualized support for training participants and follow-up for individuals placed in employment. Tracks participants’ progress and provides assistance to address obstacles.
• Conducts weekly events to connect job seekers with local employers conducting recruitment.
• Serves as an informational resource on services, resources and programs available in the community to assist workers and/or training participants.
• Provides information to employers on economic development programs and assists them in taking advantage of applicable incentives and tax credits.
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