Tucson Values Teachers

Tucson Values Teachers

Tucson Values Teachers (TVT) is a dynamic partnership of business leaders, educators, and community members dedicated to supporting PreK-12 teachers in Southern Arizona. Located in Tucson, Arizona, TVT is committed to inspiring ...

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About Tucson Values Teachers

About Us

Tucson Values Teachers

Tucson Values Teachers (TVT) is a dynamic partnership of business leaders, educators, and community members dedicated to supporting PreK-12 teachers in Southern Arizona. Located in Tucson, Arizona, TVT is committed to inspiring and sustaining excellence in teaching through collaborative efforts that attract, retain, and celebrate outstanding educators. We understand that teachers are the cornerstone of student achievement and hold a pivotal role in shaping the future of Tucson and the surrounding region. Our initiatives are designed to elevate public awareness of the importance of the teaching profession and to offer comprehensive programs that provide both professional and financial support to teachers.

At Tucson Values Teachers, our vision is encapsulated in the belief that great teachers lead to successful students, which in turn fosters a prosperous community. We work closely with the Southern Arizona Leadership Council and other key business and education organizations to advocate for policies and funding that benefit teachers, students, and schools alike. Our mission is to inspire widespread community support for educators, ensuring that they receive the recognition and resources necessary to thrive. By championing the value of teachers, TVT aims to create a robust educational environment where teachers are empowered to excel, ultimately driving the success and prosperity of our community.

Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

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